Jo will be speaking at the Royal Photographic Society about Constructing Space

Constructing Space Jo Bradford 
In 2003, at the age of 31, photographer Jo Bradford finally accepted that she would never become an astronaut.  How she dealt with this realisation set her on a career path through the history of the photographic medium that has changed her life forever.  Her talk explores the way the average human being can have their own personal connection with space, science and photography.

Join Jo to hear the story of Constructing Space. Amid humorous tales of building meteorite catchers in rural Cornwall, Bradford describes how she forged her own creative path within the photographic medium while flying in the face of photographic conventions.  The talk explores the authenticity of scientific space imagery and takes a light-hearted look at what passes for truth in contemporary photography. Follow the tale of Bradford’s journey to make photograms with the meteorites at London’s Natural History Museum and feel the excitement of the moment when one of her images from Constructing Space photogram series was actually launched into space. 

Date:16th September
Time: 6.30pm – 7.30pm
Address: The Royal Photographic Society, RPS House, 337 Paintworks, Arnos Vale, Bristol, BS4 3AR
Information and Directions:

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